Welcome, one and all. I designed this online home to get away from the social media hubbub that surrounds and envelop our lives daily. I wanted to share parts of myself with the world, but in such a way that I wasn’t distracted by the societal expectations, or the rigid (and changing) frameworks certain platforms provide. I want to create, and reduce my consumption, and so, this place was born.

Here you’ll find an eclectic collection of what makes me, me. I’m a software engineer by trade, working in the contact center industry, and specializing in enterprise projects. Like many other developers, I also enjoy tinkering with technologies outside of my professional scope in my spare time, particularly game development in Unreal Engine. Fellow engineers will relate to the fact that our work very rarely remains in scope of the specified technologies, and I very much take pride in that.

Aside from that, my hobbies are numerous and ever-changing. They include, but are certainly not limited to Muay Thai, photography, music, film, aviation, and yoga.

So again, I welcome you to my home, and the human network. Have a good stay.